Wow, what a week it's been. This week launched the beginning of my "One Thousand Wells" book tour. The excitement and adrenaline from the release of my memoir still surges through me as I make my way across the country in 20 days.
The book tour began in Nashville, the launching pad and home for Blood:Water, the organization behind the 1,000 wells in "One Thousand Wells." I am in awe of the people who showed up at the Nashville Public Library to support me, love on me, learn about me, and get my book. I pray all who read the words are touched by the story and can find themselves in it.
As you read the memoir, you will find it full of stories of the band Jars of Clay. In the memoir, I let readers in on a little secret about the band. While touring, they would like to stop at karaoke bars along the way. They'd get up, sing, and blow everyone out of the water with their talent. Little did their audience know, the karaoke stars were Grammy-award winning musicians.
So we wrapped up the first night of the book tour with a little karaoke. Here are some photos from the night.
After crooning our hearts out, Lead Singer Dan Haseltine and I packed our bags and headed to book tour stop two — Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville has always shared a special place in the Blood:Water story. No one city has financially supported the nonprofit as much as the big town in East Tennessee.
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The next day we hit the road again, headed to Charlotte, N.C. Time for some more karaoke anyone?
After arriving in Charlotte, I dropped a signed copy of my memoir into a book share next to Luna's Living Kitchen. Perhaps one day I will hear a story of the hands to which my book traveled. And above all, I hope we learn to love the world more, together.
Today we travel to Raleigh, N.C. I hope to see you there or somewhere along the way. Click here to see if Dan and I are headed to your city.