Our organization has launched a tongue-in-cheek campaign on behalf of an actually quite serious cause. We are in the process of trying to raise $75,000 needed to build an earthen dam for a community in Marsabit, Kenya. So here are five reasons to give a dam (an earthen one):
1. Because Justin Beaver says so.
2. Because last year, northern Kenya experienced its worst drought in six decades. This dam will protect the communities from future droughts.
3. Because a gift as small as $25 can make a significant difference for our friends in Marsabit.
4. Because this dam will also allow for small scale irrigation farming for over 3,000 people.
5. Because isn't this video just irresistible?
[vimeo 47469878 w=500 h=281]
If you would like to walk with us in this journey, click here for more information.